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thelordanubis: artist-santanon: That depends on what you mean....



That depends on what you mean. A lot of other fluffies have seen him make "examples" of other fluffies, so a lot of them know he's a bad guy. But if you mean actually getting to know him personally, then that would only be Miranda. Even though she's not a foal anymore he still takes her home after work.

Dia de los Muertos style image of Santa Maria? Big Mista is definitely Hispanic.

Yes he is. The image is of Santa Muerte.


That depends on what you mean. A lot of other fluffies have seen...

That depends on what you mean. A lot of other fluffies have seen him make "examples" of other fluffies, so a lot of them know he's a bad guy. But if you mean actually getting to know him personally, then that would only be Miranda. Even though she's not a foal anymore he still takes her home after work.

Santanon, I can't believe you copped out with you last story by resetting Miranda. I always thought you were above the cheap writing of resets.

I had her reset because Big Mista wouldn't be patient enough to de-traumatize Miranda the right way and would rather have her brain washed in a snap. But you can never tell how successful removing traumatizing memories from a fluffy's mind can be with resets. And besides, the story has only just begun.

So, what happened with that fluffy Rarity who rejected her babies. Were her foals taken to a shelter? Killed?

Those pics were drawn for a CYOA (choose your own adventure) on 4chan's Fluffy Pony General. I didn't make the story but I know it wasn't finished the night it ended but I never saw it continued.

i think i missed something, what happened to Miranda forehead?

Big Mista reset her with a tazer so she would hate bad babies, not be squeamish around gore or be afraid of Simmer.She still will act how she normally does around good babies though.

Wait, that baby was not killed because we was not making any sound, right?

Yes. When Simmer is enraged she doesn't notice what anyone says and becomes very irrational, she just thinks they are making fun of her.

For instance if she hears some fluffy giggling behind her, she immediately thinks they are making jokes about her.

Miranda's origin partB After the next comic I post,...

Miranda's origin partB

After the next comic I post, I'll start drawing some of the requests in my inbox, I have been neglecting them for a while.

Miranda's origin partA

Miranda's origin partA

Well since the fluffy thread was killed when the news broke,...

Well since the fluffy thread was killed when the news broke, I'll post this here. Welcome back mwike. The very first fluffy pony thing I ever saw was your rainbow dash comic. It was kinda hard drawing a fluffy in his art style, i kept wanting to use my own on accident.

Here's a few pics I drew requested by Menthol.

Here's a few pics I drew requested by Menthol.

Here are some concept images for Simmer's Origin. I ended...

Here are some concept images for Simmer's Origin. I ended up changing Simmer's mother's hair to look more like the brother than her, since she was traded away from Bowser's herd she wouldn't look like her mom.

Simmer's Origin partB The second part of Simmer's...

Simmer's Origin partB

The second part of Simmer's origin. It also shows Big Mista's face for the first time. I originally made him as a one shot character so I didn't bother with drawing his face at first. Now that he's a recurring villain I thought I should give him a proper face.

Simmer's origin partA Here's Simmer's back...

Simmer's origin partA

Here's Simmer's back story on how she became one of Big Mista's fluffies.

The fluffies that traded Simmer away are from Bowser's herd. Not sure how many will remember him without mentioning it.

That's a whole lot of fluffies.

That's a whole lot of fluffies.

Here, I doubt she'd give us the time of day.

Here, I doubt she'd give us the time of day.

If you want to see more of Officer Jack Hass who appeared in my story, You can read them here....

If you want to see more of Officer Jack Hass who appeared in my story, You can read them here. Author’s name is datdude.




In Big Mista we trust. By Santanon >Be a new owner of a fluffy shelter. >Your aunt died and...

In Big Mista we trust. By Santanon

>Be a new owner of a fluffy shelter.

>Your aunt died and left it to you but you don’t know the first thing about running a shelter.

>The shelter is located in a mini mall across from a gas station and the outside looks a little run down.

>You feed the fluffies and change their litter boxes. That’s not too hard.

>Then you go to your late aunt’s office and see mountains of paper work.

>Everything is so confusing to you, you never ran your own business or filed your own taxes on your own.

>One pile topples over and turns the small TV on at the end of the desk.

>This is simply to much work that you can handle with your current skill set.

>If only you studied business instead of taking art school maybe you could fit your head around it.

"Oh, what’s this?"

>You look toward the TV.

>A Commercial comes on showing a man with a base ball cap petting a fluffy. The lighting mustn’t be good because you can’t see his eyes.

>Sitting on the floor next to his leg is a grey unicorn about the size of a labrador retriever, with burn scars on her head and front legs with an unusually large horn.

>In comes the sad Sarah Mclachlan music.


>His voice sounds very similar to Antonio Banderas.

"Every day fluffies are abused, abandoned or neglected and they’re crying out for help."

>The unicorn hugs his leg tightly.

"Meanie mean meanies nu wike Simmuh."

>The man starts scratching the unicorn’s ears, she coos adorably.

"Please call the number on your screen and donate to the BMFF(Big Mista Fluffy Foundation)"

"With your aid, we can help put a stop to this needless cruelty by helping out fluffy shelters all across the mid-west."

"If you or someone you know has a shelter in need, please give us a call. "

"We’re only here to help, because I’m not only the founder of the BMFF …"

>He reaches down and lifts the unicorn up onto his lap and hugs it. The fluffy is over joyed.

"I’m also a customer."

>Your sold.

>You find the phone and call the number on the screen and explain your situation.

>The man on the phone tells you not to worry and gives you the price for their services.

>Your eyes almost bulge out your head when you hear the price but the man on the phone says it’s worth it in the long run.

>You agree to pay for the services and the man tells you the nearest agent is on his way and to wait outside.

>You wait outside the shelter for 2 hours.

>You’re about to go back inside and call back to see what’s taking so long, when the sound of music catches your attention.

>A blue 1966 Chevoret Impala pulls into the parking lot and out walks Big Mista himself.


>After wooing some ladies and showing his swag he reaches the front of your shelter.

"I heard you were having some trouble running your shelter and needed my help. What seems to be the problem?

>You show him inside your shelter and are about to take him in the back office when he stops you.

"I’m sorry friend, but I can’t start my work until you pay the fee. Lots of other non profit shelters need the funding so they can keep giving fluffies food and a chance for a new home."

>You open up the safe in the office and pull out the money to pay him.

>He eyes the bills and begins counting them.

>Satisfied he folds the money and puts it in his pocket.

"Glad to be able to help."

>You lead him to your office and show him the stacks of paper work.

>You explain you don’t know how to properly manage this shelter but need help trying to figure out running the books.

>Big Mista asks if he can sit at the desk and use the computer to try and figure everything out.

>You agree.

>He sits down and begins working immediately.

>You sit in the other chair across from him and wait for him to finish.

>Finally after 45 minutes he is done.

"Ooooh. Not good friend. Not good."

"What’s the matter?"

>Big Mista lifts several forms and points to numbers.

"You see these figures show your shelter is costing a third more than what you make to break even."

>You sink down low and groan.

"In order to keep this shelter from going out of business we’re going to have to make some changes."

>Big Mista stands up from the desk.

"Please show me where you hold the fluffies."

>You take him to the back where you keep the fluffies.

>The back has 20 cages total and 18 have fluffies in them.

>Inside each cage is a small litter box, a food bowl filled with vegetables and a large hamster bottle filled with water.

>Big Mista looks at the fluffies food bowls.

"How often do you feed them produce like that?"

>You shrug.

"Well I fed them breakfast and lunch already but I plan on giving them dinner too."

>Big Mista shakes his head.

"You can’t be feeding a fluffy nothing but lettuce and celery. That stuff barely gives them the nutrition they need. Hell it even gives us negative calories."

>You look confused.

"But I thought fluffies ate these vegetables. Aren’t they herbivores?"

>Big Mista shakes his head.

"Most people think they are but they are actually omnivores like us. That’s why they can eat spaghetti without getting sick and on rare occasions survive on cannibalism. Either way fluffies should only be fed twice a day, once in the morning and later at dinner."

>He motions you to fallow him.

>You walk to his car in the parking lot and he pops open the trunk.

>He piles three extra large, extra heavy, bags of kibble into your arms and tells you to go back inside and feed the fluffies.

"Wait isn’t This stuff made of wood chippings and saw dust?"

>Big Mista pulls his head out from under his trunk and stares at you.

"Sir, that is just a myth. It’s made out of ground oats, corn and has the vitamins fluffies need."

>You walk back to the entrance of the shelter and look back wondering what else he’s getting from the trunk.

>You dump the heavy sacks of kibble in a clear spot on the floor by the other fluffy food and tear one open and begin feeding the fluffies.

>Once you’re done you plop the bag down back with the others and catch your breath.

>As you catch your breath Big Mista returns with several V shaped boxes.

"Um, what are those?"

>Big Mista lifts one of the boxes and turns it around showing the cage opening.

"Sorry boxes. Top of the line sorry boxes."

>You look the boxes over.

>They have a wide opening on top but narrow to a flat bottom about four inches wide.

>Big Mista pushes a lever and two flat pegs swing out on both sides or the box so they can’t tip over.

"Why are the boxes shaped that way? All the other one’s I’ve seen have been square."

>Before he can answer a fat purple unicorn knocks over his bowl and starts yelling "Dese yicky nummies, wan good nummies!"

>Big mista looks at the unicorn and then to you.

"Well you’re going to find out."

>He opens the unicorns cage and drags out the flailing fluffy stallion.

"Wet go! Me giv big ouchies!"

>Big mista doesn’t even register his complaints and shoves him in the box.

"You see, the reason the boxes are V shaped is to make sure the fluffy just doesn’t fall asleep while he’s being punished. The square boxes allow them to lay on their bellies if they want to but with the angle on these boxes it almost makes the fluffies cross their legs. They simply don’t have a comfortable way to lay down with out smushing their legs so the angle forces them to stand."

>The unicorn is still angry and shouting out threats.

>Some of the other fluffies join in complaining and Big Mista puts them in sorry boxes as well.

>After a few minutes all the fluffies in the boxes are either crying or complaining about "Weggie owwies"

>Big Mista tells you to leave them there for a half hour so they learn their lesson.

>Once their punishment is over most of the fluffies are completely in tears and whimpering.

"Oh, weggies huwt""Nu wike sawwy box""Uhuhuhuuu…"

>The only fluffy who isn’t sorry is the purple unicorn.

>Now that he’s out of the box he awkwardly shuffles around his cage puffing his cheeks and shouting insults.

>Big mista looks at the unicorn and puts his hands on his hips disaprovingly.

"Well looks like you got a smarty on your hands. I kinda figured you would, every shelter gets at least one. So I’m glad I brought this along."

>Big Mista pulls out a whip and tries to hand it to you.

>You shove it away.

"No. No man. I’m not a hugboxer but I’m not going to use a whip on a fluffy. Don’t you have a sorry stick instead?"

"No sir I don’t have sorry sticks because this method is more humane."

>Big Mista unravels the whip so you can examine it better. He shows you the pellets at the end of it.

"You see these here? They are made of rubber not steel. They aren’t designed to cut and rip flesh like the whips this is based on. Instead they are made to grip the fluffy’s fluff on your pull back."

>You look at his confused.

"You ever run an eraser through your hair? This does the same thing. So long as the fluffy you hit is dry and not matted the whip never reaches the skin so it pulls on the fluff. Sure sometimes it pulls out hair by the roots but it’s more humane than a sorry stick, which can bruise skin and break bones. The fluffies are mainly scared by the loud cracking sound the whip makes rather than them actually being in much pain."

>You start to scratch your head. The idea makes sense but you’re just not sure.

>The unicorn is still shouting and causing a scene Big Mista takes notice.

"Here, let me show you how it works and if you still don’t like it I won’t make you take the whip."

>You stop scratching your head and agree to his offer.

>He pulls the unicorn out of his cage and places him on the floor.

>The unicorn is about to shout some more but is silence when he hears the loud crack of the whip.

"See it’s working already and I haven’t even started yet."




>Big Mista hits him three times and the unicorn’s in tears.

"Go ahead and check him for injures."

>You reach down and inspect the crying unicorn.

>He has a few little bits of loose fluff but from the looks of it he’s otherwise unharmed.

"Pouh fwuffy down dummy. Fwuffy nu wan yu touchies."

>You place him down of the floor and look down at him.

>He’s sitting down sulking and puffing his cheeks.

Big Mista offers you the whip.

"Looks like he didn’t learn his lesson. Want to give it a go or should we stick him in the sorry box?"

>You take the whip and crack it once.

>The unicorn jumps up looking in all directions.



>The unicorn holds his face.

"Don’t aim for the face! Aim for the body."

>You crack him again and the unicorn starts to cry.

"Fwuffy sawwy. Pwease no mo cwacka huwties."

>You put him back in his cage and roll the whip back up.

>Big Mista cracks his neck and motions you to fallow him again.

"Well since we got all the fluffy care sorted out how about I teach you to fill out those forms before I go?"

>It’s been three weeks since Big Mista showed you how to run the shelter and you couldn’t be more pleased with it.

>He even came back to check to see if you needed more help but you had it covered by now.

>The fluffies behave begun to complain a lot less and adoptions are starting to rise.

>You still got to whip the shit out of a few of the newer fluffies but aside from that the shelter’s running smoothly.

>You sit back in your office chair and relax.

>Hiring a professional was a smart choice.

>Now with the money you save by buying what Big Mista told you to buy, you can start thinking about expanding.

"Everything’s going to be just fine."


>An officer kicks down you door pointing a pistol at you.


>You do what he says and he starts to cuff you.

"What’s going on here? Who are you and why am I being arrested?

"Officer Jack Hass, Fluffy crimes devision. We had a tip that there were some fluffies being abused in this shelter."

>You panic.

"No! This has to be a mistake!

>The officer lifts you up and drags you out of your office.

>There are a few other people there inspecting the back.

"You people find anything yet?"

>A woman wearing gloves waves at you both down the hall.

"I found some wood chippings in the fecal matter. I I did a Q-tip test on their rectums and sure enough they’re bleeding. We also found a few bags of Fluffy Co fluffy kibble.

>Officer Jack Hass looks angry.

"Makes me sick. Don’t you know that brand makes their kibble out of wood chippings and saw dust!?"

>You shrink back worried.

>One officer identifies the V shaped sorry boxes and shows them.

"What kind of sick fuck are you to be using one of those? Don’t you know bending their legs at that angle causes fluffies to get arthritus, bog spavin and develop reverse bowlegged syndrome?"

>Another officer says he found several bruises on the fluffies skin and some have gashes of peeled skin under the fluff.

>The woman shows him the whip.

>You pip up in panic.

"Wait I can explain! It’s a lot more humane than a sorry stock! It doesn’t even cut their skin I swear! They’re only made of rubber not steel."

>Officer Jack Hass’ eyes bulge and he shouts at you angrily.


>He grabs the whip and holds in front of your face.

"This is an Australian bullwhip with a Cat o’ nine tails cracker! It doesn’t have to be made of steel to severely hurt a fluffy!"

>He hands the whip back to the other officer and you begin to plead with him.

"Please, this is all a big mistake. I was told to do this by Big Mista."

>All the officers stare at you in disgust.

>Officer Jack Hass walks over and glares down at you.

"Don’t you lie to me! That man is a saint!"

>One of the other officers exits your office.

"I checked the computer sir. Not only was the paper filed incorrectly but he had several human on fluffy sex pictures and videos."

>You look at the woman in disbelief.

"I don’t know anything about those! Please I swear! I’m not a fluffy fucker!"

>Officer Jack Hass looks at you with disgust.

"I’ve seen enough take him away."

>You struggle and plead with them to let you go as an officer drags you to his squad car.

>You were only doing what you were told.

>Where did those pictures come from?

>Be officer Jack Hass Leader of fluffy crimes devision.

>You are taking a swig of your flask filled with vodka.

>You just locked up another sicko and have the team looking for more evidence to charge the fucker with.

>Then a familiar blue 1966 Chevoret Impala pulls up by the curb.

"How’s your night going Jack?"

>A smile spreads across your face.

>Well if it isn’t the patron saint of fluffy ponies, Big Mista himself.

>One of the few good men who own a shelter in the city.

"Just busted a sicko not too long ago. How’s your night going?

"Can’t complain, I was cruising the area and noticed you there and I thought I’d see what’s up."

"Can’t go into too many details but it looks like we might have a few more fluffies to send to the BMFF once we’re done."

>Big Mista smiles.

"That’s good to hear. Keep up the good work. Fluffies need all the help they can get."

>You watch him drive off and you take another swig.

>If only more shelters were run by men like him then maybe you wouldn’t have to drink so much after the job.

>Be Big Mista.

>Looks like that "anonymous" tip helped take out another one of your competitors.

>The old hag who owned it before told you that you would have to pry it out of her cold dead hands.

>Her dip shit of a nephew just handed it to you on a silver platter.

Well guys I’m out of commission for a while, my scanner’s busted. The little bar that...

Well guys I’m out of commission for a while, my scanner’s busted. The little bar that scans my pics in my scanner was jerking and making a loud clacking sounds and was warping my scanned images. It has done this before and usually I can get the image scanned right by rescanning it again a few times but now the bar doesn’t move at all.

I don’t know when I’ll be able to post new pics but I plan to buy a scanner as soon as I can.

Ralphie — Mummuh say she hab dese toys since she was...

Ralphie — Mummuh say she hab dese toys since she was wittuw and wet me pway wiff dem, Wawity is new tho'. Sometimes mummuh pways wiff raowfie when she's not busy, does times awe speshuw.

I thought I'd draw this after reading one of...

I thought I'd draw this after reading one of Rarifag's stories. the story is about his character who is going to go on a date with my character Katelyn.  I haven't drawn any comic of Ralphie ruining Katelyn's dates but he doesn't like guys getting friendly with his mumma.

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